Hendersonville City Council supports Marxism but refuses to embrace the U.S. Constitution and American values

Martin Luther King envisioned a day when we were judged by the quality of our character, not by what group we belonged to. With the new religion of “Diversity, Equity and Inclusion” (DEI) we are taking a step back from his vision.

DEI is rooted in Cultural Marxism and is nothing more than identity politics meant to divide us into groups, and pit one group against another in order to sow chaos and discord. It attempts to elevate one group over another, promotes victimhood, and now permeates society. The City Council of Hendersonville has embraced it fully.

The City of Hendersonville wasted $147,000 of taxpayer money for the Ahkirah consulting firm to implement a DEI strategy in Hendersonville. The city council justified hiring Ahkirah on the basis of “not wanting the George Floyd situation to happen here”. The media narrative that many believed has now been shown to be false. On April 26, 2023, Akhirah presented their findings.

Not one “problem” was identified. The money could have been better spent. For instance, on the very real problem of homelessness, vagrancy, traffic and parking.

Many residents of the city and the county opposed to this effort were at that meeting. And while there was no public comment, our voices were heard. We continue to oppose the entire progressive agenda embraced by this council.

The principal consultant of Ahkirah, Bahiyya Greer promotes that she is a “…dynamic daughter of a Black Panther mother and a Nation of Islam Father.” In other words, she is proud of her Marxist roots!

In the past, being a Marxist had a negative connotation in American society. Now it is celebrated especially in the main-stream media, woke corporations, academia and elite society. Look at what Marxism has wrought wherever it is been tried.

DEI is also facing growing legal challenges putting the city at risk to lawsuits. The SCOTUS recently struck down race-based hiring practices at UNC Chapel Hill and Harvard.

Take Back Hendersonville is a group of concerned citizens working to uphold the conservative, cultural and fiscal values of Hendersonville. By shining a light on the city council’s focus on Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI), identity politics, progressive approaches to homelessness, and other aspects of Cultural Marxism, we want to educate and engage the city electorate and other stakeholders.

To counter the city’s support of Marxist ideology, we proposed that the Convention of States Foundation, a non-profit, non-partisan U.S. Constitution educational foundation, host a free constitution class from Patriot Academy for the public.

The U.S. Constitution has survived 236 years and is the world’s longest surviving written form of government, for a very good reason. It is based on fundamental, unchanging principals. It is the basis of our rule of law and protects our freedoms that come from God. It binds us all together and is why all of us are “privileged”.

The city rejected the offer. As Mayor Volk explained: “…Legal scholars, including members of the U.S. Supreme Court, have differing views of what the Constitution means and how it applies. The Constitution Alive course from the Patriot Academy presents their opinion. I do not feel that the city should be seen as supporting one organization’s views.”

That did not stop the city from hiring a DEI consultant who was promoting one “interpretation” of the roots of social and economic disparity in society. It did not stop members of the city council speaking at a gay pride event in June at Jackson Park thereby supporting one “interpretation” of sexuality.

The mayor’s argument lacks authenticity or logic. She and every council member swore on a Bible to support the U.S. Constitution, but supporting the U.S. Constitution is not part of the progressive playbook. Supporting DEI and Marxism is.

What can you do?

First, attend city council and the D&I committee meetings and speak out against this effort. Get engaged, stand up and speak truth.

Second, three of five seats are open on the Hendersonville City Council in the 2024 municipal election. Those who vote in the city and pay taxes need to hold candidates accountable. Work for candidates that will push back against the woke agenda. Or run for office yourself. Filing starts December 4, 2023.

Even if you do not vote in the city elections, Hendersonville is OUR city and it is up to all of us to protect what makes this community unique. If you are a business owner on Main Street, you have power. The policies of the city council will ultimately affect your livelihood.

We do not want Hendersonville to take the same path as cities such as Asheville or cities around the country who are suffering because of the progressive agenda. This agenda is sold as “compassionate”, but it is nothing of the sort.

Jeff Groh resides in Fletcher and is a small business owner. He is on the Fletcher Planning and Zoning Board, and president of the Brickton Village HOA. He is also a Regional Captain for the Convention of States Project, a non-partisan effort to rein in the expanding role of the federal government. Want to contact me? Email at jgroh@newproductvisions.com or connect with me on Facebook.

Hendersonville City Council supports Marxism but refuses to embrace the U.S. Constitution and American values

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