Hendersonville City Council supports Marxism but refuses to embrace the U.S. Constitution and American values

Martin Luther King envisioned a day when we were judged by the quality of our character, not by what group we belonged to. With the new religion of “Diversity, Equity and Inclusion” (DEI) we are taking a step back from his vision.

DEI is rooted in Cultural Marxism and is nothing more than identity politics meant to divide us into groups, and pit one group against another in order to sow chaos and discord. It attempts to elevate one group over another, promotes victimhood, and now permeates society. The City Council of Hendersonville has embraced it fully.

Continue reading “Hendersonville City Council supports Marxism but refuses to embrace the U.S. Constitution and American values”
Hendersonville City Council supports Marxism but refuses to embrace the U.S. Constitution and American values

What Do Florence, Global Warming, “Truth” and Social Media Have in Common?

FlorenceLike many families, some of my close relatives and I are on opposite sides of political debates. Our family, however, prides itself on our ability to always remember that while we might disagree, we can do so in a civil way, refraining from personal attacks that dominates social media and the culture at large. We are still family. I still love those in my family who I disagree with politically.  Continue reading “What Do Florence, Global Warming, “Truth” and Social Media Have in Common?”

What Do Florence, Global Warming, “Truth” and Social Media Have in Common?

The Gun Debate: Why Australian’s Who Lecture Us and Those Who Believe Them are Wrong

AustraliaThose who would ban all firearms in the U.S. point to Australia as a success story. Why not just do what they did after the 1996 Port Arthur massacre? After all, they have not had a mass shooting since. Sounds easy, doesn’t it?  Continue reading “The Gun Debate: Why Australian’s Who Lecture Us and Those Who Believe Them are Wrong”

The Gun Debate: Why Australian’s Who Lecture Us and Those Who Believe Them are Wrong

“I Hate Hate”

chappelle-nadal-e1503238023847.jpgI recently saw a social media post from a young lady who I respect greatly. She was railing against the “racist” President Trump for his response to Charlottesville. She finished her response with “…I HATE HATE”, and “…this s— has to stop…” I am not here to defend Trump. While I do not believe he is a racist, he missed an opportunity to bring the country together. Just like Obama missed multiple similar opportunities by what he said after high-profile cases where African-Americans were killed by police. Continue reading ““I Hate Hate””

“I Hate Hate”

We Are All Romans

romanWhen I travel outside the U.S., I am motivated to read a book related to that country. To try and immerse myself into the culture. To get into the mood. A recent trip to Italy led me to a recently published history of Rome called SPQR: A History of Ancient Rome by Mary Beard. This excellent book covers the period from the founding of Rome around 800 BC to about 200 AD. That alone is amazing: a 1000 years of history. The Roman Empire finally dissolved in the 1400’s when it fell to the Ottoman Empire. America? We have been around for less than about 300 years. Adolescents compared to the Roman Empire. Continue reading “We Are All Romans”

We Are All Romans

Pope Francis and American Presidential Politics

popeMany Catholics including me appreciate what Pope Francis is doing for the Catholic Church. He certainly appeals to the more moderate voices within the Church, which has endeared him to the liberal media. His message is also attractive to millennials, which is important for the future of the Church. Of course the more conservative Catholics do not agree with some of his stances. Change comes slowly in the Church. It is one reason I respect the institution, though those outside the Church condemn it for the same reason. Continue reading “Pope Francis and American Presidential Politics”

Pope Francis and American Presidential Politics

Hillary’s First Presidential Press Conference

truckSeptember 8, 2017

Rose Garden, White House

Good morning. I would like to first make a statement, then will take a couple questions.

As you are all well aware, I have press conferences infrequently but felt obliged on this somber occasion. It is with a heavy heart that I come to you today. Unfortunately, this past holiday weekend, we saw another vicious attack using a truck to plow through a group of innocent bystanders at a Labor Day event in Chicago. Our sympathies go out to the families. Continue reading “Hillary’s First Presidential Press Conference”

Hillary’s First Presidential Press Conference

Politicizing the Colorado Planned Parenthood Shooting

Democrat-or-Republican-Politician-or-Civilian-300x222No surprise. Obama and the liberal left began politicizing the shooting at Planned Parenthood in Colorado even before the motive was clear. There are multiple angles. One is of course to use the murder as a call for stricter gun laws. The second is to blame Republicans and talk radio for inciting this irrational act. And finally, since the shooter was a self-proclaimed Christian, then of course all Christians are gun-toting lunatics. Continue reading “Politicizing the Colorado Planned Parenthood Shooting”

Politicizing the Colorado Planned Parenthood Shooting