The Left’s Lunacy on Full Display – In DC and Brevard, NC on July 4th

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As we celebrated the 4th of July, and what this country stands for, those of us who love this country look on dumbfounded when the likes of Colin Kaepernick rails against the Betsy Ross flag as if it was a symbol of white supremacy, or quotes Frederick Douglas out of context to explain how the 4th of July is not a holiday for black Americans today. Or when flags are burned in front of the White House because someone does not like Donald Trump. Or how the spoiled soccer player Megan Rapinoe politicizes the World Cup, and then tries to explain she is “uniquely and very deeply American”…right, we believe that. Continue reading “The Left’s Lunacy on Full Display – In DC and Brevard, NC on July 4th”

The Left’s Lunacy on Full Display – In DC and Brevard, NC on July 4th

“I Hate Hate”

chappelle-nadal-e1503238023847.jpgI recently saw a social media post from a young lady who I respect greatly. She was railing against the “racist” President Trump for his response to Charlottesville. She finished her response with “…I HATE HATE”, and “…this s— has to stop…” I am not here to defend Trump. While I do not believe he is a racist, he missed an opportunity to bring the country together. Just like Obama missed multiple similar opportunities by what he said after high-profile cases where African-Americans were killed by police. Continue reading ““I Hate Hate””

“I Hate Hate”

We Are All Romans

romanWhen I travel outside the U.S., I am motivated to read a book related to that country. To try and immerse myself into the culture. To get into the mood. A recent trip to Italy led me to a recently published history of Rome called SPQR: A History of Ancient Rome by Mary Beard. This excellent book covers the period from the founding of Rome around 800 BC to about 200 AD. That alone is amazing: a 1000 years of history. The Roman Empire finally dissolved in the 1400’s when it fell to the Ottoman Empire. America? We have been around for less than about 300 years. Adolescents compared to the Roman Empire. Continue reading “We Are All Romans”

We Are All Romans

Iowa’s Lesson? Big Win for Socialism

bernie1While there is a long way to go on both the Republican and Democrat sides in terms of nominating candidates for each party, the press is fixated on who is up, who is down, who won and who lost. For me, the bigger story is that an avowed socialist, Bernie Sanders, has gained substantial support. Of course, I believe he is not much different than Clinton: only that he admits to being a socialist.  Is it just because of the weakness of the establishment candidate, Clinton? Or is something bigger happening?  Continue reading “Iowa’s Lesson? Big Win for Socialism”

Iowa’s Lesson? Big Win for Socialism

My Greatest Generation

In a second photo Rosenthal shot at Iwo Jima, Marines pose in front of the flag they just raised. (AP Photo/Joe Rosenthal)
In a second photo Rosenthal shot at Iwo Jima, Marines pose in front of the flag they just raised. (AP Photo/Joe Rosenthal)

I was at a family party last night with my Mom and her two brothers. My Mom is 87, soon to be 88. Her older brother Jim, is 91 and going strong. Her younger brother, Don, is 86. They had an older brother, Bob, who died young at 56 when I was in college. He would have been 95. Continue reading “My Greatest Generation”

My Greatest Generation